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Who really are you?

Who Really Are You ? This Non-Dual Video Demonstrates It To You!

Enjoy this very impressive non-duality animation by Louis Lefebvre.;rel=0

It dramatically portrays the evolution of consciousness from its inanimate state into human form and then back through spiritual seeking to Oneness. See that consciousness as oneness plays both parts: The good and the bad, the saint and the whore!

Especially if you’re inclined to religion, try to be open to the non-dual message in this animation: Religion is unnecessary! Actually it just complicates and slows down the realization that you are already what you are looking for…

This video was inspired by the spiritual (Actually it’s advaita / non-duality) teachings of Wayne Liquorman and Ramesh S. Balsekar.


And now see Mark McCloskey‘s poem to further clarify what we really are…:

What you’re not, and what you are

You are not your money, capital gains or securities.

You are not your house, car or possessions.

You are not your job, position or salary.

You are not your intelligence, contributions or lack thereof.

You are not your prestige, power or authority.

You are not your memory, dreams or desires.

You are not your sexual preferences, lovemaking skills or fetishes.

You are not your talents, gifts or accomplishments.

You are not your name, address or phone number.

You are not your age, gender or race.

You are not your ego, past and future.

You are not your thoughts, thought or to be thought.


You are this naked moment of surrender to the Pure Silence,
which is within you, around you and beyond you.

You are the kingdom of heaven, right here, right now.

Welcome to your Self.

From your own Self with much love.

(Mark McCloskey)


Check out Mark McCloskey‘s very inspiring essays on non-duality on linked to below.

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  • This video is indeed super-fascinating!
    And I would say that religion is not only utterly unnecessary, but poison. They should show this video in school, instead of religious education.

  • What a fantastic video. This just rings so true! And yes, religion is poison. Advaita rules!

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Summary of the Story

Enjoy this very impressive non-duality animation by Louis Lefebvre.

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H.R. Fox

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