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Universe spiral: Baby and planets

Your Life And The Universe: Self-Organizing And Intelligent?

Life, the universe and everything is all one system, which is self-organizing, intelligent and eternal.

There’s no outside to it. Nothing is separate from it. Whatever happens inside of it happens because it is in its nature to happen. It has no outside meaning, but it can create meaning. Its latent qualities might or might not get expressed, but when they do, it is because they’re there.

So, if something finds itself having self-reflective consciousness, it is because the whole system possesses the potential quality of self-reflective consciousness. Duh. If oxygen and hydrogen mix and become water, that’s because they already had the property of being able to do so. If something evolves, it is because the system knows how to evolve.

If something is alive, it is because the system is alive. If somewhere in the system time and space exists, and at some “time” a scientist evolves and he decides that he has understood it all and it is all really dumb and random and meaningless and consciousness only exists in brains, except for that it doesn’t really exist, well, he’s right, makes no difference.

It is all natural.
Luckily it isn’t that scientist, or some guy with a grey beard on a mountain, who’s responsible for keeping the whole system working, or it really wouldn’t last long.

The whole system is much smarter than any brain that comes along at some point and has a short-lived fit of self-importance. Doesn’t matter what you call it. You can call it God, or Universe, or Physics, or Nature, Evolution or Mind or Consciousness. It is you, buddy! If you think not, you’ve become a bit confused by derivatives of your own abstract thoughts.

Take a step back and touch Reality. Be conscious. Be very conscious! But don’t get cocky. That little point of self-reflective awareness that you identify with, and which is enough to spin yourself into circles, is way, way, way smaller and more ephemeral than the big you who is all of existence, all of evolving spacetime, any dimension, any physical phenomenon, any potential phenomenon, all simultaneously, all forever. It is a lot smarter at running things than your little localized conscious focal point.

You’re not in control. But if you catch a ride on natural law, and go with the flows, you can go far, very quickly. Because the system works really well. It is self-regenerating. It is open source.

(From the unfortunately switched off site

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Summary of the Story

Life, the universe and everything is all one system, which is self-organizing, intelligent and eternal.

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H.R. Fox

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