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Intuition And Guilt (By Martin Zoller)

My work has allowed me to travel through the world and meet many different people of different cultures and belief systems. Our human instincts towards things are naturally the same and without fail and I find that the most significant enemy to our spiritual soul is the crushing feeling of guilt.

Human nature is creative, spiritual and free; however religions, society and internal pressures that we put on ourselves limit free and divine expression of ourselves. People become unhappy in their lives because they think they should be one way when their nature makes them in fact a different kind of person. We often live in some discomfort as we try to imitate characteristics and lifestyles, which are not ours naturally.

Most people start to feel guilt when they take a little time away from their structured conditions. For example, we often we stay in jobs that make us unhappy longer than we like due to a sense of guilt or perceived responsibility, others may flirt with inappropriate people or even have affairs outside their relationship. Others may have feelings of guilt when enjoying good food or living “la vida loca”, sometimes indulging a little more than they think they should.

Escaping guilt does not mean living in anarchy and just acting in an irresponsible way by surfing on a big ego wave. Escaping guilt means expressing what one feels inside without judging your own thoughts about it.

If you do something in life, then do it right and fully. Enjoy it, live it and finish it without having feelings of guilt arise. If it feels right there is no reason for guilt, have fun with it and do not question too much about it. On the other hand, if your soul, your intuition (and not your guilt) tells you that what you do is wrong for you or others, then leave it and move on in another and better direction!

There is no better judge in life than your own intuition. Nobody else knows you as well as your own self!

(Martin Zoller)


Martin Zoller

About Martin Zoller

Martin Zoller is a Swiss national living in Bolivia. For more than 20 years Martin has been invited around the world to share and use his ability as “psychic” and “remote viewer”. He has hosted his own TV shows, in both Bolivia and Germany and released a DVD on Remote Viewing and a meditation CD. Further to the many articles, he has also published five books, soon his sixth will be released.

Martin’s gift to foresee the future allows his clients to receive direction and exceptional guidance in a time of need of answers. His fluency in English, German, French and Spanish enable him to have clients consisting of individuals, corporations, law enforcement agencies, embassies and governments in different continents.

Martin designs and runs workshops and lectures all around the world with the goal of helping individuals understand who they are as human beings, discover/bring out their inner potential as well as their spiritual essence. These workshops and group lectures can be held in person as well as online, via Skype.

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  • Guilt can really cause a lot of trouble in our lives….I guess it just takes courage to listen to our intuition and do what we really want.
    thank you.

  • Martin, another excellent essay!

    I wholeheartedly agree: There is no better judge in life than our own intuition.

    Wish you la vida loca…and enjoy yourSELF!

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Summary of the Story

My work has allowed me to travel through the world and meet many different people of different cultures and belief systems. Our human instincts towards things are naturally the same and without fail and I find that the most significant enemy to our spiritual soul is the crushing feeling of guilt.

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H.R. Fox

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