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Moon and tree reflecting in water

Scriptures Are Reflections Of A Reflection (By Osho)

One night the poet Awhadi of Kerman, a very great poet, was sitting on his porch bent over a vessel. Shams-e-Tabrizi, a great Sufi mystic, happened to pass by...

Bowl of water reflecting the moon

Shams-e-Tabrizi looked at the poet, at what he was doing. He asked the poet: “What are you doing?”

The poet said: “Contemplating the moon in a bowl of water.”
Shams-e-Tabrizi started laughing, with an uproarious laughter, a mad laughter. The poet started feeling uncomfortable; a crowd gathered. And the poet said: “What is the matter? Why are you laughing so much? Why are you ridiculing me?”

Shams-e-Tabrizi said: “Unless you have broken your neck, why don’t you look directly at the moon in the sky?”

The moon is there, the full moon is there, and this poet was sitting with a bowl of water arid looking into the bowl of water at the reflection of the moon.

Moon reflection on ocean.

Seeking truth in scriptures, seeking truth in philosophies, is looking at the reflection.
If you ask somebody else how you should live your life, you are asking for misguidance, because that man can only talk about his own life. And never, never, are two lives the same. Whatsoever he can say or impart to you will be about his own life – and that too only if he has lived. He may have asked somebody else, he may have followed somebody else, he may have been an imitator himself.

Then it is a reflection of a reflection. And centuries pass and people go on reflecting the reflection of the reflection of the reflection – and the real moon is always there in the sky waiting for you. It is your moon, it is your sky, look directly. Be immediate about it. Why borrow my eyes or anybody else’s eyes? You have been given eyes, beautiful eyes, to see, and to see directly.

Why borrow understanding from anybody? Remember, it may be understanding to me, but the moment you borrow it, it becomes knowledge to you – it is no more understanding. Understanding is only that which has been experienced by the person himself.
It may be understanding for me, if I have looked at the moon, but the moment I say it to you it becomes knowledge, it is no longer understanding.


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  • Yep Mia,
    you’re saying it most clearly!
    Let’s go for the direct, immediate ‘way’…
    Enjoy yourSELF!

  • Long is the road for some to listen to their own heart. Many read the scriptures and replace their own hearts with them. Deaf are their ears to their own heart…….
    ………Long is the road for some to listen to their own heart.

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Summary of the Story

One night the poet Awhadi of Kerman, a very great poet, was sitting on his porch bent over a vessel. Shams-e-Tabrizi, a great Sufi mystic, happened to pass by...

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