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Baby hippo with wide open yawning mouth

Hippo Uses Tail Of Crocodile As Toothpick

Hippopotamus' are not only cute, but also courageous beyond belief.

Baby hippo by Kate Geraghty.

Although young hippos look so sweet, they are well known as pretty aggressive animals. They are often considered one of the most dangerous large animals in Africa. In fact, hippos are one of the most aggressive creatures in the world. They are known to attack humans on land, as well as boats with little or no provocation.

Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it can easily outrun a human. Hippos have been clocked at 30 km/h (19 mph) over short distances.

Now, see what happens when these incredible creatures meet hungry crocodiles.
It looks, as if the hippos use crocodile’s tails as a toothpick or something like that…

Hippos in history.
Unfortunately, hippopotamus were one of the many exotic animals brought to fight gladiators in Rome. Imperator Marcus Julius Philippus used them to commemorate Rome’s 1’000 years anniversary in 250 AD. Silver coins with hippo’s image were minted that year

Egyptian chief-archaeologist Zahi Hawass mentions a pretty fascinating inscription on an ancient tomb:

“I found in one of the tombs an inscription saying: “If you touch my tomb, you will be eaten by a crocodile and hippopotamus.” It doesn’t mean the hippo will eat you, it means the person really wanted his tomb to be protected.”

(Zahi Hawass)

Hippopotamus - Flusspferd. (c)

And in a somewhat different context, find out how American actress Aisha N. Tyler sees hippos:

“Do you have any idea what it’s like when you try and make home porn? My husband and I tried it. We looked like charging hippos. Best to leave it to the pros.”

(Aisha Tyler)

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  • Absolutely stunningly incredible! There are LOTS of huge crocodiles, and the hippo baby is still not afraid..

  • mmmhh….sehr ulkige baby´s!
    sehr glatt und rundig :-)

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Summary of the Story

Hippopotamus' are not only cute, but also courageous beyond belief.

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